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How To Fix Pillaged Land Civ 6

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How To Fix Pillaged Land Civ 6

The formula is (80 x coastal lowland tiles) + (80 x coastal lowland tiles x flood level). If constructed after some of the city's tiles have been flooded, those tiles can be repaired in full and used again, along with all that's on them. (Does not affect submerged tiles; these are lost forever and cannot be recovered.). How to repair pillaged harbor? I've tried moving a builder into the hex, but repair isn't an option. I don't see where on the city screen I have the option to repair the district. How to repair pillaged harbor? I've tried moving a builder into the hex, but repair isn't an option. I don't see where on the city screen I have the option to repair the district.

Oct 24, 2016

Confused about Amenities, happiness, war weariness and what they all mean in Civ 6? For tips and tricks on how to get more Amenities in Civilization 6 through luxury resources, Great People, Districts and more, check out our Civ 6 Amenities guide after the jump. Civ 6 Domination Victory, Casus Belli, and military win conditions explained. Achieving a Domination Victory in Civ 6 is easy - at least in terms of explaining the victory conditions, anyway.

Five Civilization 6 Tips for Beginners

1) Be aware of the 'show city details' button. This has many uses. First of all it summarizes how your city is doing, and also gives tips on how to improve your growth, housing and amenities. Second of all it teaches you a lot about the mechanics of the game, as it lays its calculations out for you in quite an easy to understand way. For example, it will tell you that your growth goes down with 50%, even though you have enough housing..what causes this? Well, if you only have one housing more than civilians, you already get a penalty. Without this summary it would be hard to figure out those things.
2) Make sure to know what pillaging does, especially in relation to farms and fishing boats. Normally, you can pillage districts and improvements for a bonus to e.g. gold or science. However, if you pillage a farm, you heal up a unit. This can be extremely strong when fighting close to a foreign city, as you improve your staying power by a lot.
3) If you are on the receiving pillaging side, you can repair the pillaged structures. However, there are different ways to repair different pillaged things. Improvements can be repaired with builders. Put them in the same hex, and click on the wrench icon. This costs a turn, but does not take a 'build charge'. Districts and buildings cannot be repaired with builders, but have to be repaired from the construction menu in your city. This means that it can cost you multiple turns of repairing instead of constructing new things in your city.
4) Take very good care when founding a new city, to make sure the citizens have access to water. If you build a city without water in its area, your maximum amount of citizens (housing) starts off at 2. If you have access to salt water (coast), the city will have 3 housing. If you have access to fresh water (river, oasis, lake), you will have 5 water. This can be improved by the aquaduct building. However, this building has quite some requirements. It needs to build adjacent to a river, lake, oasis or mountain AND be adjacent to your city. If you already have access to fresh water it gives you +2 housing. However, if you don't have access to water yet and put it next to a mountain, you'll have 6 housing, which is a big improvement. Watch the video to see how NOT to make a city (footage of my first game).
5) If you build a district over terrain with a specific feature such as a rainforest, this rainforest will be removed. Therefore, before you build the district, you can use a builder to 'remove feature', which will give you some resources before you build the district. If you build the district without doing this, you will not get those resources. This does however consume a 'charge' of the builder, but in general I'd say it's worth it, barring some exceptions.
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Winning Civilization VI on deity difficulty is a feat in itself. Deity difficulty makes it so the AI receives huge bonuses and therefore is way more aggressive than you might be used to. Civilization VI's huge player base makes it so winning on Deity is only the first step to become an expert. Here we will teach you how to face this challenge. This is a complete step by step guide on how to win on deity difficulty in Civilization VI.

Civilization VI Deity difficulty info

First thing is knowing what we are dealing with in order to play accordingly. We are going to compare against Prince difficulty, which is neutral in terms of bonuses.

ItemPrince Deity
AI Starting Settlers13
AI Starting Builders02
AI Starting Warriors15
AI Science, Culture and Faith bonuses+0%+32%
AI Production and Gold bonuses+0%+82%
AI Free Tech/Civics boosts04
AI Combat bonus+0 strength+4 strength
AI Combat exp+0%+50%

The AI not only has settled 3 cities when you're struggling with the first one, but it will also have 5 Warriors and therefore -knowing of its military might- will be very aggressive. Expect war early in the game.

Granted you don't rage quit or get wiped out in the first 20 turns, you will have to face a humongous disadvantage in terms of Science, Culture, Faith, Gold and Production all throughout the game. To compensate you will need more cities than your opponents or be very clever with districts and civics bonuses.

Think about a win condition (before starting the game)

It is not necessary that you choose your victory path immediately, but know that it will depend largely on the leader you choose.

Borland Database Engine (BDE) Downloads. Borland's BDE download. When Windows Vista was introduced I created a new customizable installer for the BDE I have downloaded the patch to correct the 'Insufficient Disk Space'. The Borland programmers of the Turbo Pascal/Turbo C days - it is like chalk. Here is a link to the latest version of. Aug 29, 2020 Borland database engine download; Borland database engine windows 10; Borland bde 3; Borland database engine; Borland database engine 5.2; Bde 5.1; Bde 64 bit download; Bde download; Bde 32 bits download. Download latest version of BDE eXpress for Vista. BDE eXpress for Vista 'BDE eXpress for Vista' installs an adapted 'Borland. Software Application Disclaimer This page is not a piece of advice to uninstall Borland Database Engine by Borland from your computer, nor are we saying that Borland Database Engine by Borland is not a. LOCOLOCreg; Swager is designed to work download borland database engine or more specific size sleeves. If the small trader is negine and had taken the same position as the big player did before he came to the market then he will be lucky and the chances are that the price move is favourable and he can sell out, PhD Napoleon and Co. Bde borland database engine. Jun 27, 2016 Scroll the list of applications until you locate Borland Database Engine or simply click the Search feature and type in 'Borland Database Engine'. If it is installed on your PC the Borland Database Engine app will be found very quickly.

Easy type of victory:

Domination and science victory are the easiest to achieve while playing on any difficulty and deity is not the exception. Although any type of victory is achievable, the most likely is that you are going to wage war and conquer some cities first, and only then, after having an empire capable enough, you will be able to pursue your chosen type of victory.

Hard type of victory:

Newer and even experienced players can find it difficult to achieve a religious victory on deity. Building Holly sites early and getting a prophet is hard when you should be spending your production on expanding and defending your cities.

Newer players trying their hand against Deity AI are recommended to play an aggressive early game civ such as Scythia, Greece, Rome, Mongolia and so on. This is the most straightforward path because the early game AI is likely to declare war on you anyways.

Prepare for war (early game)

Early production:

Producing a granary, monument or workers before having an army might be tempting, but it is simply too risky as you might get wiped out by barbarians and other civs. The safest thing -and best- you can do is to produce Slingers, which will be useful to explore and clear barbarian camps. Focus on army/scouting (max 1 scout, slingers are prefered) first, then 1 or 2 settlers and finally city buildings. A good build order would be: Scout > Builder > Slinger > Slinger > Settler. Try and get the Archery technology as soon as possible.

Defending home:

Once you've explored enough you should get your warriors and slingers/archers back to home, war is coming and you want your empire (1 or 2 cities) protected from a brainless swarm of AI units. Put your army in advantageous positions. Archer/slinger on city and the rest in tiles next to a river to make it so the AI receives a penalty for crossing it. Your small army should be way more valuable than the AI's, if you play it right none of your units should be killed while defending (attacking is another story).

Civ 6 Pillaged Farm

Ignore religion:

Unless you are really going for a religious victory there is no need to invest your production to get a prophet. If you do so you will have hardships defending against the AI humongous economic and military early advantage.

Playing the AI's against each other:

Depending on agendas the AI's are ready to go at each other's throats, once you receive a declaration of war you can ask another AI to join you. It usually costs only 1 gold to get a war buddy. This coupled with your good defense will make the enemy civ beg for a peace treatment, which you will only accept if you can't capture its cities and also the deal is good (all the AI's gold for 30 turns).

But I watched x youtuber not building an army early while playing on deity?

Advanced players adapt really well to the map and surrounding Civilizations, they know if and when the AI will declare war on them. Sometimes you get a lucky start where you have enough room to expand and at the same time the Civilizations near you are friendly due to their agendas. For instance, Gilgamesh's (Sumeria) leader agenda makes him easy to declare friendship with him, if his secret agenda (which is random) also favours you, then you will be safe from an early declaration of war from him. Sims 2 furniture downloads. If you are in this very rare case of no early war declarations you must expand and build cities with powerful district bonuses (Campuses surrounded by mountains or aqueduct-industrial zone technique).

Conquer your first enemy Civ (early to mid game)

If you played early war well then you will have an experienced army and at least 4 cities to produce more units. Use the 50% melee/ranged production civic in order to spam archers (or the equivalent Cavalry civ if you're playing a Cavalry civilization). Attack and conquer the enemy civilization, remember they do have bonuses so you must be very efficient. Take good fights and pillage everything.

Crossbows op:

Point your research to Machinery, this technology allows for Crossbowman creation, which is a very powerful ranged unit and therefore very difficult to fight against only with Archers. Thanks to its huge Science bonus the AI is likely to have Crossbows sooner than you. You have to both weaken the AI before it happens and research the technology very fast.

Use the unit upgrade discount civic:

At a point in the war you will have a huge prehistoric army that was effective before but not anymore. Upgrading is very expensive and that is why you need to have the Professional Army civic, which gives you a 50% discount on all units upgrades. Half the price is still pretty expensive for a war economy. The next two points are about how to get that money.

Trade your stuff:

Sell all your surplus luxury resources, they do not give extra amenities and you usually can get 100+ gold from them (although selling for less is not bad either). In the same way sell all your Diplomatic Favor as it is almost useless early in the game. Units must be maintained and bought, gold is a valuable resource during war.


Make the enemy civilization pay for your upgrades. Although think it twice before pillaging districts, you will have to expend city production repairing them after. Terrain improvements are a safer choice, one worker is enough to repair every tile you pillaged before.

Save your envoys:

Don't get this wrong, use your envoys to be the suzerain of city states, but if you already are and can't get anything immediately then there is no reason to spend the envoys as you get them. Instead save them to flip city states in times of war or to get a city state with a very convenient bonus. Make clever use of the diplomatic slot, swap between the +2 envoys for your first envoy sent civic and the +2 influence per turn civic.

Wonders are better taken than built:


While conquering the first and second civilization you should score some wonders. Until you have production superiority (say top 3 score in the game and full industrial zones) don't waste your production trying to compete for wonders. Instead conquer cities that have them.

Play to your win condition (mid to late game)

After conquering one or two civilizations you should be in a good spot. Controlling a good portion of the map and having more cities than any other civilization will allow for any type of victory you want. You should be near the top of the score ladder, if that is not the case you can either go conquer another Civilization or make really good use of your cities.


There will be land masses the AI has not settled on. Not only extra cities will add science, gold and production to your empire, but you will also be able to score strategic or luxury resources. Tundra zones are worth it too, you could find Aluminium, Oil or Uranium there later in the game.

Make alliances:

Remember the AI has a 32% science boost. You probably are behind and should look to make alliances as the most benefited from alliances is the civilization that is behind (you). The same concept applies to Cultural alliances.

Build commercial and industrial zones:

How To Fix Pillaged Land Civ 6 Online

Any type of victory will require gold and production. Commercial and industrial zones are your friends. To get adjacency bonuses place your industrial zones next to an Aqueduct and a Commercial Hub, or even better next to 2 Aqueducts and 2 Commercial Hubs.

Build Campuses in convenient places:

It is very likely that you are way behind in science. This is the time to build Campuses in every good location. The general rule is that if there is a location with at least +3 science bonus then build a campus there, if not, focus that city on other endeavors (culture, war, gold and so on). Mountains (+1 ) and Geothermal fissures (+2 ) are your best friends.

Secure your victory (late game)

Late game is all about winning before the AI has the opportunity to do so

How To Fix Pillaged Land Civ 6 Release

Keep an eye on the AI's sneaky victory:

How to fix pillaged land civ 6 epic games

The formula is (80 x coastal lowland tiles) + (80 x coastal lowland tiles x flood level). If constructed after some of the city's tiles have been flooded, those tiles can be repaired in full and used again, along with all that's on them. (Does not affect submerged tiles; these are lost forever and cannot be recovered.). How to repair pillaged harbor? I've tried moving a builder into the hex, but repair isn't an option. I don't see where on the city screen I have the option to repair the district. How to repair pillaged harbor? I've tried moving a builder into the hex, but repair isn't an option. I don't see where on the city screen I have the option to repair the district.

Oct 24, 2016

Confused about Amenities, happiness, war weariness and what they all mean in Civ 6? For tips and tricks on how to get more Amenities in Civilization 6 through luxury resources, Great People, Districts and more, check out our Civ 6 Amenities guide after the jump. Civ 6 Domination Victory, Casus Belli, and military win conditions explained. Achieving a Domination Victory in Civ 6 is easy - at least in terms of explaining the victory conditions, anyway.

Five Civilization 6 Tips for Beginners

1) Be aware of the 'show city details' button. This has many uses. First of all it summarizes how your city is doing, and also gives tips on how to improve your growth, housing and amenities. Second of all it teaches you a lot about the mechanics of the game, as it lays its calculations out for you in quite an easy to understand way. For example, it will tell you that your growth goes down with 50%, even though you have enough housing..what causes this? Well, if you only have one housing more than civilians, you already get a penalty. Without this summary it would be hard to figure out those things.
2) Make sure to know what pillaging does, especially in relation to farms and fishing boats. Normally, you can pillage districts and improvements for a bonus to e.g. gold or science. However, if you pillage a farm, you heal up a unit. This can be extremely strong when fighting close to a foreign city, as you improve your staying power by a lot.
3) If you are on the receiving pillaging side, you can repair the pillaged structures. However, there are different ways to repair different pillaged things. Improvements can be repaired with builders. Put them in the same hex, and click on the wrench icon. This costs a turn, but does not take a 'build charge'. Districts and buildings cannot be repaired with builders, but have to be repaired from the construction menu in your city. This means that it can cost you multiple turns of repairing instead of constructing new things in your city.
4) Take very good care when founding a new city, to make sure the citizens have access to water. If you build a city without water in its area, your maximum amount of citizens (housing) starts off at 2. If you have access to salt water (coast), the city will have 3 housing. If you have access to fresh water (river, oasis, lake), you will have 5 water. This can be improved by the aquaduct building. However, this building has quite some requirements. It needs to build adjacent to a river, lake, oasis or mountain AND be adjacent to your city. If you already have access to fresh water it gives you +2 housing. However, if you don't have access to water yet and put it next to a mountain, you'll have 6 housing, which is a big improvement. Watch the video to see how NOT to make a city (footage of my first game).
5) If you build a district over terrain with a specific feature such as a rainforest, this rainforest will be removed. Therefore, before you build the district, you can use a builder to 'remove feature', which will give you some resources before you build the district. If you build the district without doing this, you will not get those resources. This does however consume a 'charge' of the builder, but in general I'd say it's worth it, barring some exceptions.
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Winning Civilization VI on deity difficulty is a feat in itself. Deity difficulty makes it so the AI receives huge bonuses and therefore is way more aggressive than you might be used to. Civilization VI's huge player base makes it so winning on Deity is only the first step to become an expert. Here we will teach you how to face this challenge. This is a complete step by step guide on how to win on deity difficulty in Civilization VI.

Civilization VI Deity difficulty info

First thing is knowing what we are dealing with in order to play accordingly. We are going to compare against Prince difficulty, which is neutral in terms of bonuses.

ItemPrince Deity
AI Starting Settlers13
AI Starting Builders02
AI Starting Warriors15
AI Science, Culture and Faith bonuses+0%+32%
AI Production and Gold bonuses+0%+82%
AI Free Tech/Civics boosts04
AI Combat bonus+0 strength+4 strength
AI Combat exp+0%+50%

The AI not only has settled 3 cities when you're struggling with the first one, but it will also have 5 Warriors and therefore -knowing of its military might- will be very aggressive. Expect war early in the game.

Granted you don't rage quit or get wiped out in the first 20 turns, you will have to face a humongous disadvantage in terms of Science, Culture, Faith, Gold and Production all throughout the game. To compensate you will need more cities than your opponents or be very clever with districts and civics bonuses.

Think about a win condition (before starting the game)

It is not necessary that you choose your victory path immediately, but know that it will depend largely on the leader you choose.

Borland Database Engine (BDE) Downloads. Borland's BDE download. When Windows Vista was introduced I created a new customizable installer for the BDE I have downloaded the patch to correct the 'Insufficient Disk Space'. The Borland programmers of the Turbo Pascal/Turbo C days - it is like chalk. Here is a link to the latest version of. Aug 29, 2020 Borland database engine download; Borland database engine windows 10; Borland bde 3; Borland database engine; Borland database engine 5.2; Bde 5.1; Bde 64 bit download; Bde download; Bde 32 bits download. Download latest version of BDE eXpress for Vista. BDE eXpress for Vista 'BDE eXpress for Vista' installs an adapted 'Borland. Software Application Disclaimer This page is not a piece of advice to uninstall Borland Database Engine by Borland from your computer, nor are we saying that Borland Database Engine by Borland is not a. LOCOLOCreg; Swager is designed to work download borland database engine or more specific size sleeves. If the small trader is negine and had taken the same position as the big player did before he came to the market then he will be lucky and the chances are that the price move is favourable and he can sell out, PhD Napoleon and Co. Bde borland database engine. Jun 27, 2016 Scroll the list of applications until you locate Borland Database Engine or simply click the Search feature and type in 'Borland Database Engine'. If it is installed on your PC the Borland Database Engine app will be found very quickly.

Easy type of victory:

Domination and science victory are the easiest to achieve while playing on any difficulty and deity is not the exception. Although any type of victory is achievable, the most likely is that you are going to wage war and conquer some cities first, and only then, after having an empire capable enough, you will be able to pursue your chosen type of victory.

Hard type of victory:

Newer and even experienced players can find it difficult to achieve a religious victory on deity. Building Holly sites early and getting a prophet is hard when you should be spending your production on expanding and defending your cities.

Newer players trying their hand against Deity AI are recommended to play an aggressive early game civ such as Scythia, Greece, Rome, Mongolia and so on. This is the most straightforward path because the early game AI is likely to declare war on you anyways.

Prepare for war (early game)

Early production:

Producing a granary, monument or workers before having an army might be tempting, but it is simply too risky as you might get wiped out by barbarians and other civs. The safest thing -and best- you can do is to produce Slingers, which will be useful to explore and clear barbarian camps. Focus on army/scouting (max 1 scout, slingers are prefered) first, then 1 or 2 settlers and finally city buildings. A good build order would be: Scout > Builder > Slinger > Slinger > Settler. Try and get the Archery technology as soon as possible.

Defending home:

Once you've explored enough you should get your warriors and slingers/archers back to home, war is coming and you want your empire (1 or 2 cities) protected from a brainless swarm of AI units. Put your army in advantageous positions. Archer/slinger on city and the rest in tiles next to a river to make it so the AI receives a penalty for crossing it. Your small army should be way more valuable than the AI's, if you play it right none of your units should be killed while defending (attacking is another story).

Civ 6 Pillaged Farm

Ignore religion:

Unless you are really going for a religious victory there is no need to invest your production to get a prophet. If you do so you will have hardships defending against the AI humongous economic and military early advantage.

Playing the AI's against each other:

Depending on agendas the AI's are ready to go at each other's throats, once you receive a declaration of war you can ask another AI to join you. It usually costs only 1 gold to get a war buddy. This coupled with your good defense will make the enemy civ beg for a peace treatment, which you will only accept if you can't capture its cities and also the deal is good (all the AI's gold for 30 turns).

But I watched x youtuber not building an army early while playing on deity?

Advanced players adapt really well to the map and surrounding Civilizations, they know if and when the AI will declare war on them. Sometimes you get a lucky start where you have enough room to expand and at the same time the Civilizations near you are friendly due to their agendas. For instance, Gilgamesh's (Sumeria) leader agenda makes him easy to declare friendship with him, if his secret agenda (which is random) also favours you, then you will be safe from an early declaration of war from him. Sims 2 furniture downloads. If you are in this very rare case of no early war declarations you must expand and build cities with powerful district bonuses (Campuses surrounded by mountains or aqueduct-industrial zone technique).

Conquer your first enemy Civ (early to mid game)

If you played early war well then you will have an experienced army and at least 4 cities to produce more units. Use the 50% melee/ranged production civic in order to spam archers (or the equivalent Cavalry civ if you're playing a Cavalry civilization). Attack and conquer the enemy civilization, remember they do have bonuses so you must be very efficient. Take good fights and pillage everything.

Crossbows op:

Point your research to Machinery, this technology allows for Crossbowman creation, which is a very powerful ranged unit and therefore very difficult to fight against only with Archers. Thanks to its huge Science bonus the AI is likely to have Crossbows sooner than you. You have to both weaken the AI before it happens and research the technology very fast.

Use the unit upgrade discount civic:

At a point in the war you will have a huge prehistoric army that was effective before but not anymore. Upgrading is very expensive and that is why you need to have the Professional Army civic, which gives you a 50% discount on all units upgrades. Half the price is still pretty expensive for a war economy. The next two points are about how to get that money.

Trade your stuff:

Sell all your surplus luxury resources, they do not give extra amenities and you usually can get 100+ gold from them (although selling for less is not bad either). In the same way sell all your Diplomatic Favor as it is almost useless early in the game. Units must be maintained and bought, gold is a valuable resource during war.


Make the enemy civilization pay for your upgrades. Although think it twice before pillaging districts, you will have to expend city production repairing them after. Terrain improvements are a safer choice, one worker is enough to repair every tile you pillaged before.

Save your envoys:

Don't get this wrong, use your envoys to be the suzerain of city states, but if you already are and can't get anything immediately then there is no reason to spend the envoys as you get them. Instead save them to flip city states in times of war or to get a city state with a very convenient bonus. Make clever use of the diplomatic slot, swap between the +2 envoys for your first envoy sent civic and the +2 influence per turn civic.

Wonders are better taken than built:

While conquering the first and second civilization you should score some wonders. Until you have production superiority (say top 3 score in the game and full industrial zones) don't waste your production trying to compete for wonders. Instead conquer cities that have them.

Play to your win condition (mid to late game)

After conquering one or two civilizations you should be in a good spot. Controlling a good portion of the map and having more cities than any other civilization will allow for any type of victory you want. You should be near the top of the score ladder, if that is not the case you can either go conquer another Civilization or make really good use of your cities.


There will be land masses the AI has not settled on. Not only extra cities will add science, gold and production to your empire, but you will also be able to score strategic or luxury resources. Tundra zones are worth it too, you could find Aluminium, Oil or Uranium there later in the game.

Make alliances:

Remember the AI has a 32% science boost. You probably are behind and should look to make alliances as the most benefited from alliances is the civilization that is behind (you). The same concept applies to Cultural alliances.

Build commercial and industrial zones:

How To Fix Pillaged Land Civ 6 Online

Any type of victory will require gold and production. Commercial and industrial zones are your friends. To get adjacency bonuses place your industrial zones next to an Aqueduct and a Commercial Hub, or even better next to 2 Aqueducts and 2 Commercial Hubs.

Build Campuses in convenient places:

It is very likely that you are way behind in science. This is the time to build Campuses in every good location. The general rule is that if there is a location with at least +3 science bonus then build a campus there, if not, focus that city on other endeavors (culture, war, gold and so on). Mountains (+1 ) and Geothermal fissures (+2 ) are your best friends.

Secure your victory (late game)

Late game is all about winning before the AI has the opportunity to do so

How To Fix Pillaged Land Civ 6 Release

Keep an eye on the AI's sneaky victory:

How To Fix Pillaged Land Civ 6 Free

  • AI goes for science victory? Use your spies to sabotage their Spaceports.
  • AI goes for cultural victory? Make a Cultural alliance with their competitors.
  • AI goes for diplomatic victory? Vote against them, get diplomatic favour and build the Statue of Liberty (awards 4 points toward diplomatic victory).
  • AI goes for religious victory? Declare war and kill all its religious units, they are usually not escorted by military units.

Those are the most sneaky ways an AI could snatch a victory from you. Domination and score are way more obvious and you will have enough time to react.

Giant Death Robots and Nuclear weapons:

How To Fix Pillaged Land Civ 6 10

Either getting a Domination victory or preventing an AI victory Nuclear weapons and Giant Death Robots are your best choice. Nuclear weapons are great if you're somewhat behind in science. Giant Death Robots just make your life easier.

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